Methylene blue–a new/old drug for treating Lyme disease
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
From, written by Dr. Erica Lehman: Methylene blue - a new/old drug for treating Lyme disease Methylene blue (MB) is truly a fascinating compound and one of the most revolutionary medications to hit the functional medicine and tick-borne disease spheres.
It was first synthesized by a German chemist Heinrich Caro in 1876. Initially, it was known as methylthioninium chloride and later named methylene blue due to its distinctive color.
Its early applications include use as a dye and staining agent for biological tissue. It was used in histology and microscopy to enhance the visibility of cell structures because it can stain DNA. I used it early on in my ophthalmic surgery training to mark the sclera (the white part of the eye), for cataract and retinal detachment surgery. READ MORE